hey people ,
it's been quite a long time i didn't open my blog ,
well , vry bz lately .
with all those schoolwork , yikes .
and talking about hari raya ,
well , i really enjoyed it .
bley blek kmpg , it's a good thing .
i mean it's been 2 years i've nver go bck to kmpg .
and this year , we wnt bck to kmpg .
on the first raya , we're in taiping , perak .
and as usual , i don't really like to stay in kmpg abah .
idk why , mybe because i don't really like my cousins .
and thank god , the second day of hari raya ,
we went to alor star .
Yes , x pyah nk mengadap muka alien2 tu lagi .
Well ,
relatives sebelah mama ;agi best compared to sebelah abah .
Although ada jgk yg mcm beruk makye ,
Haha ,
but then , i didn't get the chance to hangout with my friends ,
terlalu bz ke sana sini .
Agak terkilan , but nvermind .
Blan 12 nie , blek sna lagi .
So , bley la jmpa .
Can't wait to see them !