Bonjour lovelies :)
Well , it's just another typical Tuesday and yeah I'm in a short breaks right now , so it's good to be home :)
I'm heading back to Kuantan on this coming Thursday ( 2/6/2011 ) and yes the hectic life of a college student is just about to begin just in a few days' time ;) and ;(
So peeps , do you think that you're fully prepared to face the new life ?
To adapt the new life style of living ?
Well , as for me .. I'm not gonna say that I am fully prepared but hell yeah I'm ready enough to face the new chapter of life , physically and mentally I am !
Okay well , I have to say that sometimes life is just not as easy as you expected , it's simple but it's not that easy .
Sometimes the things that you want the most don't seems to happen and what you least expect happens .
C'est la vie !
I do believe that , " the consequences of today are determined by the actions of the past . To change your future , alter your decisions today ".
Which means , you chose your own path so where we are now is what we chose . There is no more turning back but to move ahead in fact . To change your life's destiny , you make your own decision .
There are no shortcuts to success , if you put the extra effort then you'll be succeed , insyaAllah .
One can be a successful person if only one believes in oneself.
Work , continuous work , hard work is the only way to accomplish results that last .
- Success is a journey not an expressway ; it's a committed path that takes time and effort -
Life is like a beautiful melody , only the lyrics are messed up .
So in a way to gather all the lyrics back and to make the melody becomes perfect , you have to read all the lyrics so that you'll be able to recognize the arrangement of the melody thus you'll be able to arrange the lyrics of the melody accordingly .
So do life . Life is wonderful only if you know what are the things that you want and thus aims for it !
And I have to say that , the path that I choose isn't as easy as I thought .
It may seems easy for some people , but it ain't for me coz heck yeah I am not that genius , I didn't get straight As in my Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia , in fact some of my As were bent . LOL .
Some are giving up and for others , they are still trying . And for me , I am still trying ! I'm still choosing the path that I've always wanted and yeah there's no more turning back for me .
Doesn't matter whether it's hard or easy , I'm the one who chose it so I have to make my own way through this path . I can't give up and I must have the faith in myself , believe in myself and be confident with myself or else I'll be drowning in my own path of life .
From three semesters to two semesters , well it seems hard enough for me .
But but .. there's a but okay . I'm not gonna give up just like that .
I'll give my best and I'll work hard for this .
Okay guys , please don't be like this . Lari tanpa arah tujuan .
Like seriously where is she going ?
To further your studies in Bachelor of Legal Studies , you must attain CGPA of 3.00 and above and you must also attain MUET Band 4 then you can continue or else , it's time for you to say GOODBYE to Bachelor of Legal Studies and HELLO to other Faculties .
Nak ka ? Confirm tak mau kan so yeah we need to work hard and SMART man !
See ? It's not that easy lah , Anis Shahira . Hang ingat senang senang ja ka nak buat degree ?
" Oh I buat foundation for a year then I further buat degree yaww , cepat than you olss "
Oh c'mon ..
Wake up Anis Shahira , your suka suki time is over *sambil tampaq pipi .
It's time for you to focus on your life , it's for your own good and your future too .
So peeps , it's the same thing goes to yo
u guys . Two semesters don't really seems a long period aite ?

We really need work extra hard and SMART ( okay ini penting , jangan la sampai tak tidoq lansung kan ) . Agak agak la haha .
I'm not saying that we shud study for 24/7 .
Hell no , but then pandai pandai la divide masa so that kita tidak akan terus leka dan lalai dek arus pembangunan dan kemajuan negara . Jangan jadi anak Melayu mudah lupa . Ingatlah jasa datuk dan nenekmu wahai bangsaku . Aceycey tetiba ja haha xD .
Okay okay , it seems that I've been away from my entry ..
So yeah , last words from me .. I'm wishing you guys best of luck in whatever you do and may all of us succeed in our life , insyaAllah .
I wish that all of our dreams will come true . So to those who wanna be a Lawyer , well then good luck . To those who love to be Magistrate okay same goes to you good luck and to those yang nak jadi Legal Advisor pun sama lah good luck :)
So I guess that's all for now .
Till then toddles and take care yaww :)
And wait I'm not finish yet hee :) Like for me , I just love to listen to songs coz yeah sometimes by listening to the inspirational songs , you'll be more spirited . So I'm so into The Climb by Miley Cyrus coz the lyrics tells us not to give up in our life even though your life is full with obstacles and challenges .
Never stop believing in yourself and just go through all the ups and downs of life coz we are the climbers in our own life .
Okay , if you guys tak suka Miley and tak suka lagu dia well then , google sendiri the inspirational songs and then listen to them and trust me , you'll be more spirited :)