today ,
i've been sitting for the NEW SOUTH WALES UNIVERSITY examinations , and seriously .. it was very tough .
gla pnya ssah .
and i'm very sure i won't get distinction .
or mybe not even credit .
can u imagine .
the time given is only 1 hour and of course the time given is not enough for me to answer all the 60 questions plus all the passages that we must read before answer all the questions .
and for some questions , i don't even understand what the questions asked .
so , what did i do was hentam kromo je la .
haihh , whatever .
things that had passed should not be remind again .
let's hope my results will be alright but not worst .
btw , last night i've watched one tree hill .
season 6 , i guess so .
haha .
idk .
i've missed so many episodes .
and omg ,
lucas chose peyton as her wife ??
c'mon i prefer lucas with brooke , not peyton .
nvermind , it's just a story .
heee .
i've been sitting for the NEW SOUTH WALES UNIVERSITY examinations , and seriously .. it was very tough .
gla pnya ssah .
and i'm very sure i won't get distinction .
or mybe not even credit .
can u imagine .
the time given is only 1 hour and of course the time given is not enough for me to answer all the 60 questions plus all the passages that we must read before answer all the questions .
and for some questions , i don't even understand what the questions asked .
so , what did i do was hentam kromo je la .
haihh , whatever .
things that had passed should not be remind again .
let's hope my results will be alright but not worst .
btw , last night i've watched one tree hill .
season 6 , i guess so .
haha .
idk .
i've missed so many episodes .
and omg ,
lucas chose peyton as her wife ??
c'mon i prefer lucas with brooke , not peyton .
nvermind , it's just a story .
heee .