burppp2 .. hha , sgt kenyannggg .
well , break fast time is over .
and there's only 3 people in the house .
alif , tok and me .
my parents is not at home .
gone to jb .
thank god mama dh prepared evrything for the break fast .
what i need to do is ,
serve all those dishes on the table .
keja yg agak mudah bagi seorang perempuan yg jarang tlong mama in the kitchen .
lol .

there's a lot of homework that i need to finish up .
so , that's why ssah sket nk tlong mama .
btw , all of sudden ,
i wanna watch ' A WALK TO REMEMBER ' .
idk y .
mybe bcoz i love the movie .
yeahh , maybe .
although tht movie dh lma kuaq ,
but i love keep watching it .
tp bukan slalu lahh .
i don't hv the dvd .
so , tgk online ja la .
and , i love all the song in tht movie .
especially 'cry' from mandy moore .
heehh , one more thing .
bsok kakak blek and i'm vry happy .
hhaha ,
selmat pulang for 4 days .
love u !