i really enjoyed myself at school today .
especially during BIOLOGY lesson .
wnna know why ??
we've done the experimnt on observing live specimen
of frog's respiratory structures .
first thing i would like to say is ,
i'm very sorry little frog !
we didn't mean to murder you .
kami terpaksa .
the saddest thing is , when the frog is
container and some chloroform is poured into that container .
poor little frog .
it is struggling and try to escape .
seriously , cm nk nangih ja .
when it comes to the process of incision ,mira la owg yg volunteer nk wat .
and aini jgak .
thank god ada dpa .
if x , uishh , tatau la what will happen !
so , dgn gaya seperti seorang surgeon , mira pn stat membelah kulit katak tu .
and luckily , katak yg aini bwak tu , bsaq sgt .
klau bsaq , jenoh geli ahh .
hha =)
and after a few mintues ,
mira and aini telah berjaya membelah kulit katak itu .
tahniah2 !
and then , the second layer of the skin plak .
lpaih second layer nie , we could see the frog's heart , still beating .
then , we could see the stomach , small intestine , large intestine
and many more .
after we had examine all those structures , we went to the field ,
to bury that frog .
may the frog rest in peace .
bye bye little froggie !