omg , it's been quite a loooonnnnnnng time i didn't wite anything on my blog .
well , as usual .
very bz with homeworks plus the sports practice etc .
oh shit !
minggu ini merupakan salah satu minggu yang betul2 memenatkan !
seriously .
and this week jgk ada sukantara , so i'm extremely tired eventhough i'm not participating .
why ?
because i'm the captain of the yellow house and i need to do evrything .
but thank god , my assistant and the teachers from the yellow house also helped me a lot .
thank you everyone !
well , bck to the topic , last thursday was Mr. Phang's birthday .
so , kai ying had planned a surprise birthday party to him .
she bought him a fruit cakes and a brithday card .
but unfortunately , mr. Phang didn'y come to school that day because he's not feeling very well .
so , ky called him and asked him to come to school for a while .
then , he came and well , i guess , he was quite surprised and doesn't expect we would do such things to him .
haha , hopefully , he'll never forget that day and the most importante is hopefully we will pass our Additional Mathematics and Physics paper .
p.s. ; actually , there's a lot more pics but however i'm very lazy to upload it .
haha .