Hey people .
I'm currently busy with piles of homework .
Well , even though it is a school hols but i don't really feel like it is a school hols anymore .
But anyway , thank god i don't have any extra classes this whole week .
So , no need to go to school and the best part is no need to wake up so early in the morning .
Yeah !
And yes , i just got back from Shah Alam and stayed there for a few days and spend my time with my lovely sister .
Yes , my only and one sister , she's my best friend and she's my everything .
My life would suck without her , seriously .
And then on Sunday , as promised i went to Midvalley Megamall for some shopping .
No movie , because the line for the movie ticket was so long sampai berpusing - pusing .
Haha .
And Alice in Wonderland was really like pisang goreng panas .
Even until 11.30 p.m. pun , the tickets were sold out .
Well , at first , i ada la jugak line up , Then , i just can't stand anymore sebab line tu terlalu panjang and the tickets for Alice in Wondderland pun macam nak habis ja .
So , i batalkan my intention and then pergi cari tote .
I mean , search for tote and buy one .
Went to Momoe , and no totes can attract me , then i went to Roxy and my eyes suddenly blings and there's a few totes there that attracted me .
Okay , i was like crazy for a moment but then , i managed to control myself . * congratulations !
Yang paling i sukalah yang paling mahal , and seriously , i can't really afford it . * i tak kaya , oke .
So , i chose the second one , which was only RM199.90 . Well , agak murah for this kind of brand .
And that tote was really cute , and i'm love with it . haha .
p.s. my Roxy's tote is up there . * tengoklah . hihi .
then , i accompanied my sister pergi Crocs because she always wanted to have one and she never get the chance to buy one . * pity her .
Unfortunately , pattern yang my sis suka dah habis size pulak .
Haih , x dapat beli lg .
But however , dia beli jugak a pair of sandals from Charles and Keith .
Agak cute but i'm not attracted to it . Haha ,
Then , on Monday , we went to Jucso Klang and accompanied mama .
Mama bought a Guess wristwatch . * dah agak lama kempunan la tu .
Agak lawa jugak pattern jam tu , and very suitable for aunties .
Haha .
Then , we went for a movie at TGV Cinema at Jusco Klang .
Okay , not so many people there so i decided to watch Alice in Wonderland , but then lastly tgk My Name Is Khan la pulak .
It was my 1st time watch a Hindi's movie in a cinema . haha . nvermind .
Well , it might be not-so-up-to-date , i mean , My Name Is Khan dah lama ditayangkan , but i do think so the story was quite interesting , and sad too .
And yes , i enjoyed watching it .
I'm currently busy with piles of homework .
Well , even though it is a school hols but i don't really feel like it is a school hols anymore .
But anyway , thank god i don't have any extra classes this whole week .
So , no need to go to school and the best part is no need to wake up so early in the morning .
Yeah !
And yes , i just got back from Shah Alam and stayed there for a few days and spend my time with my lovely sister .
Yes , my only and one sister , she's my best friend and she's my everything .
My life would suck without her , seriously .
And then on Sunday , as promised i went to Midvalley Megamall for some shopping .
No movie , because the line for the movie ticket was so long sampai berpusing - pusing .
Haha .
And Alice in Wonderland was really like pisang goreng panas .
Even until 11.30 p.m. pun , the tickets were sold out .
Well , at first , i ada la jugak line up , Then , i just can't stand anymore sebab line tu terlalu panjang and the tickets for Alice in Wondderland pun macam nak habis ja .
So , i batalkan my intention and then pergi cari tote .
I mean , search for tote and buy one .
Went to Momoe , and no totes can attract me , then i went to Roxy and my eyes suddenly blings and there's a few totes there that attracted me .
Okay , i was like crazy for a moment but then , i managed to control myself . * congratulations !
Yang paling i sukalah yang paling mahal , and seriously , i can't really afford it . * i tak kaya , oke .
So , i chose the second one , which was only RM199.90 . Well , agak murah for this kind of brand .
And that tote was really cute , and i'm love with it . haha .
p.s. my Roxy's tote is up there . * tengoklah . hihi .
then , i accompanied my sister pergi Crocs because she always wanted to have one and she never get the chance to buy one . * pity her .
Unfortunately , pattern yang my sis suka dah habis size pulak .
Haih , x dapat beli lg .
But however , dia beli jugak a pair of sandals from Charles and Keith .
Agak cute but i'm not attracted to it . Haha ,
Then , on Monday , we went to Jucso Klang and accompanied mama .
Mama bought a Guess wristwatch . * dah agak lama kempunan la tu .
Agak lawa jugak pattern jam tu , and very suitable for aunties .
Haha .
Then , we went for a movie at TGV Cinema at Jusco Klang .
Okay , not so many people there so i decided to watch Alice in Wonderland , but then lastly tgk My Name Is Khan la pulak .
It was my 1st time watch a Hindi's movie in a cinema . haha . nvermind .
Well , it might be not-so-up-to-date , i mean , My Name Is Khan dah lama ditayangkan , but i do think so the story was quite interesting , and sad too .
And yes , i enjoyed watching it .