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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Last Song .

Okayy , seriously , i can't wait to watch this MOVIE .
I keep watching the trailers again and again , excited punya pasal .
Haha :D
The first reason why am i sooo eager wanna watch this movie is because i'm soo in love with LIAM HEMSWORTH right now , and who cares if he is Miley's boyfie . I am soo admire him .
Omgosh , sukanyaaa . Haihh .
Next reason is because i'm a big fan of Miley Cyrus too . So , it is a MUST for me to watch all movies that she's been into .
So to those yg addicted macam I , buatlah macam apa yang i buat .
Keep watching the trailers until the movie is out .
Haha =)