It's a typical Tuesday and yes .. if you look up at the calendar today , it's 28th December 2010 .
Omg , time flies very fast right ? Just in a blink of an eye , it has comes to the end , well almost literally !
Which means , 2010 is going to over soon and the new chapter of life will begin in just a few days more .
Well , should I say this with a sigh that I wish I could just stay in a same year every year .
Get what I mean ?? You know , I hate to face the new year sometimes .
Because yes , we can never predict what will happen .
Who knows .. what's going happen to you , families and fr
iends ?
But somehow , life must go on no matter what and the most vital is have faith in yourself !
And as usual for every beginning of the year .. we will prepare a list of the new year's resolution .
So , have you guys figure out what you'd wished for ?
Well , I haven't yet . Maybe later on I'll figure it out :)
I am definitely sure that all of us had face our own ups and downs throughout 2010 , the sweetest and the not-so-sweetest memories .
That's just life and everybody experienced it . For some people , 2010 might be his/her luckiest year ever but for other , heck no .
As for me .. I am not so sure whether it's my luckiest or baddest year . Okay , between those two perhaps -.-
Somehow , I am very grateful for being able to live in this world for 17 years , to be next to my beloved family , to share the greatest experiences with
friends .
Oh yes , I am sorry for the crappy stuff that I've done to anyone of you and let's hope that 2011 will be the best year you've ever have :)