Well hey lovelies :)
How do you do ?
Anyway , I went to Shah Alam last Friday , not just me but the whole family :)
It's been quite a long time I don't see my sister so it was good to spend our days and nights there
So anyway , last Saturday I went to OU with my sister and brotha to catch a movie . Oh yes , it's been ages since I last watch movie in cinema haha yeah lame rite ?
And guess what , we were watching RED RIDING HOOD and oh my the movie is awesome man ! Thumbs up ! I love the plot of the story . Yeah Amanda Seyfried is gorgeous and I ♥ her !
And and and I'm in love with the supporting actor , Max Irons . Like seriously he's hot ! Damn hot okay ♥
So fer those who still don't get the chance to watch Red Riding Hood , well I guess you shud watch it asap ! Or else , rugi gilos haha :D
And yes as usual the NICE Anis Shahira will provide you something , well c'mon tak guna cerita punya panjang but then tak tengok trailer pong and I'm pretty sure you'll feel loike wanna watch it after you have watch the trailers :)
So guys , you don't have to open a new tab and then search fer the trailers coz hell yeah I've uploaded the trailers fer you , yes especially fer you muahaha :D
So , check this out yaww :)
And yes , other than watching movie I bought myself a pair of Crocs and I'm lovin it , weehuu :)
Yep , that's how my Crocs look like , Carlie flat ( lavender/ultraviolet ) . Lawa dak ? Muahaha :D * courtesy of Crocs's webby .
Ok well actually , that Carlie flat ( lavender/ultraviolet ) was my third choice . At first I wanted to buy Carlie flat Animal Wave , which is sangat gila lawa and yeah I love it ! Sekali tengok then teruih tertawan but then it's too pricey and yes I do feel like it's kinda waste of money if I buy it coz the price is RM 299.00
" Ler , murah ja kot ! "
Well that's how you feel , not me ! I'd rather buy something else yang lagi worth it seriously .

* courtesy of Crocs's webby
But then , I really want it ! Oh yes , gila nak okay so someone yang dermawan and kaya raya , buy it fer me please ? Haha XD
Then after that , I was attracted to Carlie flat ( dahlia/fuchsia ) , sebab warna dia mcm candy then comey gila okay . So the price is quite okay , compare to the previous one but unfortunately , they didn't have my size and I was like , whathaa?? besaq sangat ka kaki aku ni , cis pfft gila !
Then the salesgirl told me that if I insist to own that pattern and colour , well I can order first and then they'll call me as soon as their stocks has arrive . But you know , I'm not living in KL so I've made a decision not to buy that one tapi beli colour lain . So lastly , I chose that one but yeah I'm satisfied with my choice and I'm happy :) Oh yes I'm smiling haha okay now I'm laughing so can you see how happy I am ? Okay now dah nak over dah so I better stop all these nonsense haha :D
And my sister bought herself a floral top from F 21 and earrings too :) And of course , Aten ( bukan nama sebenar ) memang tak sah if tak beli toys for himself , well nama pong Aten haha :D
Okay that's all fer now , till then toddles and take care peeps .
p.s. I wanna watch Never Say Never badly but then I was the only one who wanna watch it whereas my sister and brotha tak hingin lansung nak tengok so at last I had to agree with them and that's why we were watching Red Riding Hood but it's okay , coz yeah I love Red riding Hood and and Max Irons of course haha :D