Hello lovelies !
Wassuppppp yaww ?? hihi
Okay I know it's been ages since I last wrote on my blog .
So yeah I can see dust all over my blog haha .
Well , just so you know that I am now very busy withclasses and homework so these things are the reasons why am I rarely online .
So far , my college life is doing great .
I enjoy my classes , love the course mates and love the lecturers too .
Even though there are some plots of the story which makes me tired like rushing here and there , wait for the bus etc but I won't complain much about that coz hell yeah I'm not the only one who gone through this kind of situation everyday , same thing goes to everyone aite ?
And yeah , I have to say that I started to LOVE Kuantan !
Oh yes I am !
Kuantan is not that bad and I can finally adapt the situations here .
The place of living which is my college in Sekilau , the bed , the foods and some other facilities in here .
It's all just good !
No doubt I miss my family and my not-so-lil kitten and it is A LOT . I miss them damn much .
So that's the reason why I am so so craving to see them ( I'm not sure if the word craving is the right word to use in the sentence haha okay whatevss )
I miss Abah
I miss Mama
I miss Kak Mira
I miss Aten
I miss Tok
I miss Joey
You know what I was like damn excited when Mama called me a few days ago and told me that they're comin' to Kuantan on this coming weekend .
And I was like , " Yeah , finally . Boleh jumpa depaaaa ! " .
I can hardly wait for this coming weekend seriously ! I can't wait to meet them :)
And so , I'm so not in the mood of uploading photos and bla bla bla so , I'm just gonna leave you guys with some photos that I randomly snapped them using my telefon bimbit hihi .

Okay , that's all for now I guess .
Till then toddles and take care peeps !