Well H to E to Double L and to the O lovelies !
How r ya doin awesome people ?
I know it's been really an AGES since I last wrote on my blog .
Taking a break from blogging and yet it seems my blog has been abandoned for a how-many months ( I'm not sure either ) . I must admit , little by little as time slips away .. my mood to blog is slowly slipping away too . Well perhaps it's because I'm too attached with the books . teehee :D
Just so you know that my Finals was over and here I am back to HOME ! Wippie xD
And I have to say that during the study weeks , I were having a major relationship with the books . Oh yes , my life was like for 24/7 with the books .
There were too many things to be memorized , to many things to be remembered but hey ho I know these are the things that you need to face as you're a STUDENT .
So yeah , I'm not gonna complain much :)
Throughout the first semester , I had my sweetest memories and greatest experiences and yeah of course , among those sweetest and greatest there were few stories that erm ruined the plot of my story so I guess let's just forget about all those no-so-greatest momentos and now I should reveal to you the greatest events that ever happened in my life as a college student .
1. It all started as soon as I got the offer to further my studies in Foundation Studies in Law in UiTM . Oh yes , I always wanted to further my studies in this course and I was major grateful to have the chance to be in the course that I've always wanted to .
2. So my new place of living is Kuantan , Pahang since my campus is situated in Bukit Sekilau , Kuantan . I meet these wonderful people , started with the awesome room mates then the wonderful house mates , next my group mates and then some of the course mates and also the awesome seniors . My house mates are so coolidat hehe seriously they are . I'm glad to have them as my house mates . I love all of them . They were always be with me through my ups and downs since my family and besties aren't here with me .
I have to say that of course even until now , I still do not recognize all my course mates and yes , I know there are some my course mates who don't know me either . So I can say that for some people a human being named Nur Anis Shahira Binti Abdul Majid isn't exist in Sekilau . haha .
And so I guess with another semester left , I might have the chance to get to know all of them !
3. And definitely , there are were bunch of tasks to do as a college student , no more homework ! xD Okay please don't be too excited .
No more homework but a bunch of ass-ignments that need to be done from the individual to the group assignments . I enjoyed doing all of these things even though it was very tiring but heck yeah , it's part of my duty as a student so again I won't complain much :) However , I need to say that and emphasize that I prefer the individual assignment rather than the group assignment .
And why ? Some might say , "Wait , bukan ka if lagi ramai lagi senang buat kerja ? Amagad , you're such a freak Anis Shahira ! " .
Two words ; okay whatever . There's a reason behind this and let me tell ya . I don't prefer the group assignments because I'm tired of being the one who did almost everything . And please I'm not trying to angkat bakul sendiri or whatever but this is absolutely true and ask the house mates and they will let you know the stories :) Okay enough with this issue .
4. I've learnt to be independent since this is my first time staying away from my parents and family . And now I guess I am independent enough teehee :) Plus I am 18 kan so big enough to think but somehow , I still need my guidance .
5. Being a Law student , I am able to know my rights and yeah the goods and the bads about things that revolved around me . So yeah , don't you ever dare to fool me . Muahaha xD
Okay I guess that's all for the time being .
Till we meet again soon :)
Toodle and take care lovelies .
Pictures tell a thousand word , it's true though !