hey people ,
wooh ,
i really miss my blog .
well , it's been quite a long time i didn't update my blog .
agak malas and not in the mood .
so many things happened .
mostly great things .
i really enjoyed my school holidays .
haha =)
on the first week of school hols ,
i've had a trip with my schools to the north .

we went to kedah , perlis and perak .
i really had a great time with all my darls .
then , after went back from the trip ,
me and my familia went to Malacca .
haha , the main purpose to go there is to watch NEW MOON .
well , memandangkan segamat tadak cinema , then we have to go
to the other place yang ada cinema .
and ternyata , NEW MOON IS SUPER AWESOME .
and i'm falling in love with JACOB BLACK .
haha , he's charming and sexy .
then , after malacca , we went to johor bahru plak .
we went there atas urusan kerja abah .
yeah , shopping !
tht's what i'm thinking when we go to jb .
no other things , SHOPPING .
so , bla abah ada meeting , me , mama , kak miera and aten went to jusco tebrau city .
i really love tht place .
just say what brands u want .
evrything is there .
so , mama drove there .
aten sat next to mama , memandangkan dia sungguh cekap jalan2 kt jb . * tahniah .
me and my sis sat at behind .
finally , arrived .
haha , then masa nk amek ticket prking , one of the worker said , " it's a free parking " .
hurm , msti arini jusco member day , tht's why parking dpt free , in my mind .
well , it is !
the atmosphere inside jusco is just like 'pasar borong' .
especially when 'happy hour' time .
people shows their craziness towards what they want .
haha , includes me .
well , it's more like a window shopping to me .
i just bought a crocs .
and this is my first crocs .
and i really like it , it's cute .
haha =)
then , we went for lunch at pizza hut .
after lunch , we went back to our hotel and sleep . *zzz
we're soo tired .
bhaha =)