SCM Music Player - seamless music for your Website, Wordpress, Tumblr, Blogger.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

mucho gracias , mama and abah !

The school holidays are nearly over , and the school is just around the corner .
Well , i really enjoy this year school hols .
In fact , this school hols is the best school holidays ever .
Yeahh !
You guys rocks my world .
Eventhough we're not going to overseas , but i really enjoy myself "makan angin" in our own country , Malaysia .
Haha .
And once again , thanks mama and abah for buying me an Ipod touch .
I always wanted to have one and finally i got one .
Well , i'm sure it is expensive and i will take a good care of it .
No worry , okay ?
hee =)
i love u two damn much !