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Monday, June 7, 2010

yesterday was really a fairytale ! ♥

* 1 Malaysia . Weeee ♥
* anisazranisaaini . haha
* Malysian Flying Academy . I love youuu .
* anis azra . i have to make myself look tall like her . haha :D
* anis azra nisa
* web cam , i love you guys .
* prasanna anis azra nisa
* ♥
* f to the r to the i to the e to the n to the d and to the s and training pilot .

Tengok entry pun dah tau kan pasal apa ?
Well , i really really enjoyed myself with all my friends at Malacca .
In fact , it was one of the great momentos that i've ever had , as a teenager .
That's just the right meaning about friends .
And that's waht friends are for .
Hmmpphh , cant' imagine what will someone do without friends ?
I'm so sure that his/her life is just meaningless .
No family , no friends , goodbye life ; i believe in that .
I've found a few people who don't have friends .. err , i mean best friends .
Omg , mesti boring gila lahh . Uishh , thank god i have my own best friends .
So , as planned we went to all the places kecuali Muzium Samedera sebab masa terlalu cemburu dan tidak sabar mengejar kami semua * wahh , metafora ka hiperbola gaya bahasa macam ni . haha .
Okay , should i say this happily that the best part is when we went to the Malaysian Flying Academy .
Apa yang ada dekat sana ? Well , semestinya small aeroplane , simulator and of course ehem ... ehem a group of training pilots yang ternyata terdiri daripada orang yang muda muda dan a few yang sedikit tua .
So , frankly , i love to see them wearing their uniform yang serba putih and they look so smart . Oh i can't deny that !
Well , a lot of Malay and Chinese students there but there are a few Indian students and also students out of Malaysia .
So , it was great to be in the simulator and imagined as you are the pilot . Weeeee *hearts;
Then we went to JUSCO and unfortunately we were there only for one hour and half .
So , i didn't buy nothing much , i just bought a necklace and earings and also food to eat , that's all .
p.s. thanks to Puan Fa'udah and Puan Shazura for organizing this amazing trip =)) Next time , buat lagi okayy ? haha .