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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Definitely SPAIN ♥ ♥ ♥

Okay , i am a TRULY Spain's fan and a big fan of Fernando Torres and David Villa .
So , tonight's match i do really really hope that Spain will win the match against Portugal .
Can you imagine .. out of 28 girls in my class there are only 3 girls including me who are supporting Spain while the other 25 girls are supporting Portugal .
Main reason why they are supporting Portugal ?
Well , surely because of Christiano Ronaldo and no one else .
Omg , please ?
It's not that i hate him but i just don't really like him and idk why .
I can't deny that he's a good player and he's quite a good looking but then .. i just can't ladmire him just like all my friends do .
So , that's why i'm hoping Spain to win but i know it's just a game and win or lose is part of the game and we should accept the way it goes .
However , buena suerte to the Spain team ,
And please iTrabajas duro !
Te amo ♥ ♥
p.s. buena suerte means good luck ; iTrajabas duro means work hard ; and te amo i'm sure evrybody know so no need to tell lah , okay ? haha :D