Yes , it is so true .
i'm officially SEVENteen years old on 5th JULY 2010 .
So , a million of thanks to my parents ; Abah and Mama , for always taking a good care of me and thank you for always be by my side whenever i need you two .
To my siblings ; Kak Mira and Aten , i love both of you gila gila and thank you for making up my life and thank you for make me laugh every single day . That's what a REAL SIBLINGS , kan ?
There comes a time when we are figthing but , without using sword or knife or even gun and there is a time where we really enjoy ourselves , guling guling atas katil , chit chatting , gossiping etc .
Haha :D
And thank you to all my friends for the birthday celebration siap dengan lunch lagi , birthday cake lagi . OMG , thanks a lot ! I really really appreciate it and frankly i'm so touched with everything that you guys had prepared for me , it was REALLY unexpected !
So to Asifa Azra , Prasanna , Kai Ying , Nisa , Syue , Mira , Chua , Chia Peng , Praveena , Huay Min and Aini tyvm okay ?
And thanks also for all the lovely gifts ;))
And then , thanks to all my classmates for wishing and singing HAPPY BIRHTDAY song to me during class hour . It was fun =))
Last but not least , a lot of thanks to all my FACEBOOK friends who wished for my birthday .
Sorry guys , too many names to be mentioned here , but what can I said is thank you so much . May God bless all of you .
Oh yes , not to be forget to my primary school's friends ; Hani , Izni , Tharu , Visha , Aminah , Kuselia and Nabila . I ♥ u guys as well . Teehee ;))
i'm officially SEVENteen years old on 5th JULY 2010 .
So , a million of thanks to my parents ; Abah and Mama , for always taking a good care of me and thank you for always be by my side whenever i need you two .
To my siblings ; Kak Mira and Aten , i love both of you gila gila and thank you for making up my life and thank you for make me laugh every single day . That's what a REAL SIBLINGS , kan ?
There comes a time when we are figthing but , without using sword or knife or even gun and there is a time where we really enjoy ourselves , guling guling atas katil , chit chatting , gossiping etc .
Haha :D
And thank you to all my friends for the birthday celebration siap dengan lunch lagi , birthday cake lagi . OMG , thanks a lot ! I really really appreciate it and frankly i'm so touched with everything that you guys had prepared for me , it was REALLY unexpected !
So to Asifa Azra , Prasanna , Kai Ying , Nisa , Syue , Mira , Chua , Chia Peng , Praveena , Huay Min and Aini tyvm okay ?
And thanks also for all the lovely gifts ;))
And then , thanks to all my classmates for wishing and singing HAPPY BIRHTDAY song to me during class hour . It was fun =))
Last but not least , a lot of thanks to all my FACEBOOK friends who wished for my birthday .
Sorry guys , too many names to be mentioned here , but what can I said is thank you so much . May God bless all of you .
Oh yes , not to be forget to my primary school's friends ; Hani , Izni , Tharu , Visha , Aminah , Kuselia and Nabila . I ♥ u guys as well . Teehee ;))