GERMANY won last night's match and that's what we called a really fair match .
Well , both teams were good actually but as usual there will only be one winner in a game .
So , it's okay as long as they play it very clean .
I'm supporting both teams actually but hell yes , more to GERMANY of course . teehee =))
So , of course i'm so excited to know GERMANY won the last night's game .
And yes , it's good to see Brazil lost to Netherlands in the previous match .
They deserved it , sorry to all Brazils' fan but i think Felipe Melo should not slams Arjen Robben for play acting eventhough Robben played acting . Oh please , be professional okay .
And yes , i'm really admire the Argentina's team because eventhough they lost the match but they still can control their manners and attitudes . Not like some teams , when they lost the game , hmm , they started to show how angry they are and how frust they are and then siap spit lagi . Eeuww , pengotoss gila . and OMG , be patient okay .
So , the next match would be between GERMANY and SPAIN which is both are my favourite teams but i guess SPAIN is my REALLY favoutrite team . hee =)) So , i'm supporting both teams but more to SPAIN lah . Oh Torres and Villa ; te quiero * giggle
The other match is between Netherlands and Uruguay , and i guess i'm not going to watch it because i don't really know the players from both teams so i don't really care who wins .
So , lantaklah . Haha :D
Oh btw , have you ever heard about Paul ?
Okay , some may say ; " Oh i know i know Paul Smith kan ? " or " Paul atau Paula ? or " Paul ? Erm , never . I don't know anyone with that name " .
Well , it's the football season and the Paul that i'm talking about is so famous and popular right now .
It's Paul the Octopus , wanna know more google okay ?
Okay , according to the news .. this octopus is a kind of PSYCHIC Octopus , means it can predict something .. so , this octopus became famous when all his predictions about the match that involving Germany became true .
But , how far is the TRUTH , i'm not sure . Maybe it's just coincidentally or whatever . So down here is one of the photo of Paul the Octopus yang famous itu . Omg , it is so cute . awwwww ;0 . If you wanna watch more photos of this lil octopus , as like I always said , GOOGLE okay ? hee =))