Oh yes I AM !
In fact gila melting okay ? LOL
Weeee ♥
Meet this guy , Shane Harper :) wink wink

For those who watch Disney Channel teen sitcom's Good Luck Charlie , I guess you know him , aite ?
Omg , isn't he's HOT ? Of course he is :)
And yes , I am currently INTO him PERIOD
And yeah , he was born on 1993 which means we're both 18 this year .
Haha :D
Literally , he's an American actor , singer and dancer .
Omg , iloikethiskindofguyfrankly :)
So , to those who wanna know more about Shane Harper , you may google him or whatever .
Btw , if you don't believe me that he was born on 1993 , nah open the link below then you'll know :)
Till then , toddles ♥