If you ask me this question 8 years ago , I would definitely say that , apa lagi .. hancuq laaa .
But then if you ask me rite now , what is crush I would say that , crush is where you kinda like someone or attract to the person .
See , nampak improvement aite ? That's the difference between kids and teenagers .
Back to when you were a small child , when people ask you what's crush , the answer will be loike that , simple and easy !
But as you grow up , your answer will be slightly different than the previous ones , plus your answer would be longer and lagi meaningful
I guess . LOL .
So , don't tell me you never had a crush before because you're such a LIAR if you said so . So I had a crush so I'm not a LIAR okay . LOL .
Anyway , a person who aged 13 and above are the people who usually have a crush on someone or experience the crush thingy .
A crush may eventually be your first love , true love or it's just a puppy love .

Should I tell this with a SIGH that it doesn't mean when you had a crush on someone and the person who you had a crush on will eventually be your boyfriend or even your life partner . No , idts :)
No doubt it might be true but then tell me is your life is EXACTLY like FAIRYTALE ? Happily ever after ? No isn't it ?
So literally you don't always get everything you want because you're human , we're all HUMAN .
Nobody's PERFECT , bear that in your mind , people !
So some crush stories are just great , you love to hear their stories while others are vice versa .
And some crush stories may even break your heart ! Yes , I'm only gonna break break and break break your heart ! Lalala . Just like that song , Break your heart .
Of course when you had a crush on someone , you're hoping that the person will have a sort of feeling loike you do aite ? But face the fact that , sometimes it's just not happen and don't ask me why because I don't know either .
For example , you're hoping that the person won't fall into someone else and hopefully that there's no one is waiting for him/her .
Which means literally you are hoping that you're the one , you are his/her dream boy/girl .
Do you get butterflies in your tummy every time he/she talks to you or looks to you in a direction ?
Or constantly think about him/her ?
Well , if you experienced so , indeed you had a crush weh ! But don't be too excited with your crush story because sometimes it may hurt you , and it will makes you frustrated ataupun senang cakap , frust menonggeng .
But whatever it is , it doesn't matter how many times you had a crush on someone , you'll always remember your VERY FIRST CRUSH , and you won't be able forget the person .
And why ? Again , jangan tanya , orang cakap so I'm just tellin you the same thing . LOL .
But then I guess , it's true . It's hard maann ! Siap mimpi kot . Haha .
So , good luck with your crush stories people ! Teehee :)
Toddles and tc :)