Well today it's just another typical Monday and yeah this will be my earliest entry ever because ya know why I never woke up around 4 o'clock in the morning and right after that turned on my lappy and logged into my Blogger account . So yeah ini first time :)
Okay , my entry fer this time is literally about my dad but hey I'm not gonna tell ya about what's his full name , where he was born or whatsoever macam biodata tu . Nooo .
So anyway my father will be away from home fer a Three Week - Course in Hanoi , Vietnam .
Yeah I'm such a liar if I tell ya that , ' Okay , bestnya Abah is not at home . Sukanyaa '. Tipuuuuuu .
Coz yeah three weeks is a looonnngg period . So of course I do feel empty and sad right now :(
But what to do , at the same time half of my heart tells me to feel proud of my dad , cos he's representing Polis Diraja Malaysia for a course which will be attended by the Asian Police Officer including Australia . So the course will be held in Hanoi University throughout the weeks .
So my father will depart from Kuala Lumpur International Airport ( KLIA ) on 28th February which is today and return to Malaysia on this 28th March . Yeah , it is a looonnnggg period aite ?
Well definitely I'm gonna miss my dad :( I hate this feeling :((