So guys , meet Cody Simpson and heck yeah don't tell me you knew this kid already ?
Okay lame , haha . Sorry fer not being very an up-to-date person . hee :)
Anyway , fer those who still wonder who the hell is this Cody nahh bukak link below then you'll know :)
He's 14 years old and hell yeah he doesn't really loike a fourteen year old boy fer me .
Duhh , he looks younger than that okay .
But nevermind I've got no issues with that .
And yeah , people do always compare him to Bieber and it is because of his voice .
Don't believe me ? Well , have a look at this vid then you'll know :)
See , it's true aite ? But yeah , he can sing very well no doubt .
And this Iyiyi song is quite okay actually .
Well , that's all fer now , toddles peeps :) Take care .