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Saturday, September 5, 2009

rayaraya ; can't wait !

hey people ,
it's been quite a long time i didn't open my blog ,
vry bz lately ,
with all those homeworks + puasa lg ,
and still ,
there's a lot of homework yg kna wat ,
but sokay ,
i'll do it later ( pemalaih )
i know that .
hee =)
well ,
suda half month the Muslims fasting ,
and yet ,
i can't wait for raya .
this year , we're not going to clbrate raya at home .
alone without relatives , just like previous years . pastu , third day of raya truih p holiday .
da tatau nk wat apa ! so , what else , p makan agin lahh .
sgt membosankan !
but this year ,
my mum said ," tahun nie kta blek raya kt taiping dgn alostaq . nk yg mna dlu ? "
well , i prefer a/s . why ?
sbb lg best than kampung abah yg sgt memboringkan tuh , da la there's nothing to do .
cousins plak mcm starangers + alien .
hha ,
mmg menyampah .
wek ;