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Tuesday, February 9, 2010

i'm not really into these things .

uh god ,
i'm very tired today .
this morning , we got the rehearsal for the sports day .
this thursday will be our school's sports day .
well , of course i can't wait for that day .
after a few weeks staying back for sports practice plus with all the tiredness that we've been through .
means , no more stay back after that .
horeyy !
but then , the things that make me scared right now is when i have to read the ' ikrar kejohanan '
on the sports day .
then , i need to command those girls who are involved in the march past .
wth ?
i'm not really into this things actually , i hate all these kawad things .
well , setakat ikrar tu , there's no problem but to give command like ; " baris , baris sedia and baris senang diri " to all girls is not easy for me .
but then , i have too .
can't do anything .
well , i wish someone can help me .
please , please , please ?