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Saturday, August 8, 2009

miss them + H1N1

hoho .
yeah .
i really missed all my friends in school .
last thursday and friday , i didn't go to school .
i'm not feeling vry well .
but now , i'm getting better .
heh , so ..
i can't wait to go to school .
so , suda 4 days la kira x jmpa dpa langsung plus saturday and sunday .
sgt merindui mreka di skola .
and also , lots of homework to do .
especially physics and add maths .
btw , esok p skola , igt nk pkai mask lahh .
hha .
bkn ntuk suka suki but for our own good .
and i'm sure many of my friends pn suda pkai .
so , why not ?
spa nk gelak , dipersilakan .
you may do whatever you want .
no one will stop you , oke .
H1N1 sgt menyibok , suda mai kt segamat .
and there's a lot of people out there yg suda pkai even when they are out from house .
even salesgirl kt guardian pn dh ada kesedaran diri ntuk pakai .
hoho .
ini sgt bagus .
good for you and others .
well , i'm vry happy and grateful becuase i'm free from that disaster disease .
seriously , when i was sick , i kept thinking that mybe i'm one of the suspect .
thank god .