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Friday, March 12, 2010

let's hope for it !

hey people ,
it's been almost a week i didn't update my blog .
well , surely bz with school stuff .
with homeworks , extra classes ..
i'm sooo tirrreeeeddd !
but somehow i think all these things are actually for my own good too .
nobody can succeed without sacrifices in life , right ??
so , to achieve success in life we need to sacrifice our time , our energy and our soul too .
and i guess , that's what i'm doing right now .
btw , the SPM 2009 results has been announced yesterday .
i was nervous too even though i wasn't the candidates .
i also don't know why .
well , maybe because next year i'm gonna face that situation kot .
haha . whatever .
i'm so inspired from those who achieved great results in their SPM .
for example my senior , Tee Cindy who got Straight As in her SPM .
Congratulations on your SPM result .
i wish i could be like you .
And today , after school around 12.35 p.m. ,Puan Fa'udah called me ond some of the girls from my class to her office .
And yes , we've been choosen in the Programme Perfect Score A .
And i'm totally speechless .
well , i guess i'm not eligible to be one of them , oh c'mon ' pelajar harapan sekolah ' ??
frankly , my current results were not soo good like others .
i didn' t failed any subject , but then i just don't think so i'm eligible .
According to Pn Fa'udah , we were choosen based on last year's finals .
okay , whatever .
I'll do my best for my SPM .
i'll try my best to achieve great results and makes my school proud of me .