Thursday, December 31, 2009
happy new year , evryone !
it's almost the end of the year 2009 .
so , goodbye 2009 .
there's soo many great things and bad things happened to me throughout this year .
well , time moves fast .
and i'm very glad because i'm still alive ; tht's the most important .
and welcome 2010 .
hopefully , 2010 will brings more joyfulness and happiness to my life .
well , many people said ; new year , new me .
it doesn't matter if it is new you or what , but just try to be a better person from the previous year .
well , tht's what i'm goin to do .
i wanna be a better person .
i'm still the old one , with new hope .
And these are my new year's resolution :
- Well , just like other SPM CANDIDATES 2010 , i want to try my best for my SPM , and pass
with flying colours .
- Grow taller . * this is my resolution for evry year . haha .
- Try to work harder than past years .
- No more dreaming .
- No more facebook or myspace . * this one cannot be trusted . haha .
- Clean up my room everyday . * this is my resolution for evry year also . haih .
Well , i guess that's enough for time being .
I'll update my new year's resolution soon .
Haha =)
Sunday, December 27, 2009
mucho gracias , mama and abah !

The school holidays are nearly over , and the school is just around the corner .
Well , i really enjoy this year school hols .
In fact , this school hols is the best school holidays ever .
Yeahh !
You guys rocks my world .
Eventhough we're not going to overseas , but i really enjoy myself "makan angin" in our own country , Malaysia .
Haha .
And once again , thanks mama and abah for buying me an Ipod touch .
I always wanted to have one and finally i got one .

Well , i'm sure it is expensive and i will take a good care of it .
No worry , okay ?
hee =)
i love u two damn much !
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
school holidays event !

hey people ,
wooh ,
i really miss my blog .
well , it's been quite a long time i didn't update my blog .
agak malas and not in the mood .
so many things happened .
mostly great things .
i really enjoyed my school holidays .
haha =)
on the first week of school hols ,
i've had a trip with my schools to the north .

we went to kedah , perlis and perak .
i really had a great time with all my darls .
then , after went back from the trip ,
me and my familia went to Malacca .
haha , the main purpose to go there is to watch NEW MOON .
well , memandangkan segamat tadak cinema , then we have to go
to the other place yang ada cinema .
and ternyata , NEW MOON IS SUPER AWESOME .
and i'm falling in love with JACOB BLACK .
haha , he's charming and sexy .
then , after malacca , we went to johor bahru plak .
we went there atas urusan kerja abah .
yeah , shopping !
tht's what i'm thinking when we go to jb .
no other things , SHOPPING .
so , bla abah ada meeting , me , mama , kak miera and aten went to jusco tebrau city .
i really love tht place .
just say what brands u want .
evrything is there .
so , mama drove there .
aten sat next to mama , memandangkan dia sungguh cekap jalan2 kt jb . * tahniah .
me and my sis sat at behind .
finally , arrived .
haha , then masa nk amek ticket prking , one of the worker said , " it's a free parking " .
hurm , msti arini jusco member day , tht's why parking dpt free , in my mind .
well , it is !
the atmosphere inside jusco is just like 'pasar borong' .
especially when 'happy hour' time .
people shows their craziness towards what they want .
haha , includes me .
well , it's more like a window shopping to me .
i just bought a crocs .
and this is my first crocs .
and i really like it , it's cute .
haha =)
then , we went for lunch at pizza hut .
after lunch , we went back to our hotel and sleep . *zzz
we're soo tired .
bhaha =)
Friday, November 20, 2009
mine .
the school hols has start already .
finally !
no more books for a few weeks and
don't have to wake up early anymore .
yeahh !
well , whatever it is , i still have to STUDY .
why ??
it is because i'm 17 next year , and i'll be sitting for SPM .
an exam that guides u to a better or worst future .
choose one .
and of course , i'm gonna choose a better future , like others also .
oh c'mon , who wants a worst future , right ?
evryone prefers a better life .
aiseyy , and the most importante is ,
i want to grow taller .
so , during my free time , i'm gonna hang like monkeys .
haha =)
well , people said it cn help us to grow taller .
idk whether it's true or not .
Thursday, November 12, 2009
yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !

it's a weekend !
and the best damn thing is ,
no more books .
bhaha =)
and tomorrow , we're goin' to shah alam .
to fetch my sister .
she's just finished her study for this semester .
and we're goin to spend one night there .
yeah !
katak kuaq from tempurung .
hha =)
after a long time ,
finally , bley jgk kuaq p makan angin .
well , kira mcm p mkan angin jgk la .
hee =)
and , the second best thing is ,
we're goin to mid for shopping .
yahhhhoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo !
the things that i'm gonna buy are :-
- a tote .
- tees
- shoes
* hha , that's all kot .
well , x la byk sgt .
and the most importante is ; a tote .
i really need it .
i'm desperate to have it .
bhaha =)
i want that tote !
totetotetotetotetotetotetote !
i wanna2 !
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
two is better than one .
check this out .
new song from BOYS LIKE GIRLS feat. TAYLOR SWIFT .
and this song is soooo good .
I remember what you wore on our first day
You came into my life
And I thought hey
You know this could be something
'Cause everything you do and words you say
You know that it all takes my breath away
And now I'm left with nothing
So maybe it's true, that I can't live without you
And maybe two is better than one
But there's so much time, to figure out the best in my life
And you've already got me coming undone
And I'm thinking two, is better than one
I remember every look upon your face,
The way you roll your eyes, the way you taste
You make it hard for breathing
'Cause when I close my eyes and drift away
I think of you and everything's okay
And finally now, believing
And maybe it's true, that I can't live without you
Well maybe two is better than one
But there's so much time, to figure out the best in my life
And you've already got me coming undone
And I'm thinking two, is better than one
Yeah, yeah
I remember what you wore on our first day
You came into my life
And I thought hey
Maybe it's true, that I can't live without you
Maybe two is better than one
But there's so much time, to figure out the best in my life
And you've already got me coming undone
And I'm thinking
Oooh I can't live without you
'Cause baby two is better than one
There's so much time, to figure out the best in my life
And I've figured out with all that's said and done
Two, is better than one
Two is better than one.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
i hate account !
yes , i do .
i really hate that subject .
plus , i'm totally sucks in account .
today ,
i had my account test .
final test .
and i know i'm gonna fail that subject .
frankly , i don't really know how to do all those jurnal , kunci kira2 lahh .
argghhh ! menyampah !
Friday, October 16, 2009
deeply in love !

omg !
DENNIS OH , i love u damn much !!
yikes , i'm crazy about him .
he's perfect , i mean he's got evrything that cn make evryone especially girls falls in love with him .
he's good looking , charming , cute and blablabla .
He's caught my attention when I was previewing SG WANNABE feat KIM JONG KOOK's collaboration , ONLY WIND ONLY WIND .
omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg !
i'm so in love with DENNIS OH !
p.s. i love you !
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Welcome to our school , Madam Chew .
" Announcing the arrival of our new principle , Madam Chew Yeok Ling . "
Welcome , Madam Chew .
Welcome to SMK Canossian Convent , Segamat , Johor .
The one and only girl's school in the district of Segamat , Johor .
We're very happy to receive you as our new principle .
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
the small thing .
i really enjoyed myself at school today .
especially during BIOLOGY lesson .
wnna know why ??
we've done the experimnt on observing live specimen
of frog's respiratory structures .
first thing i would like to say is ,
i'm very sorry little frog !
we didn't mean to murder you .
kami terpaksa .
the saddest thing is , when the frog is
container and some chloroform is poured into that container .
poor little frog .
it is struggling and try to escape .
seriously , cm nk nangih ja .
when it comes to the process of incision ,mira la owg yg volunteer nk wat .
and aini jgak .
thank god ada dpa .
if x , uishh , tatau la what will happen !
so , dgn gaya seperti seorang surgeon , mira pn stat membelah kulit katak tu .
and luckily , katak yg aini bwak tu , bsaq sgt .
klau bsaq , jenoh geli ahh .
hha =)
and after a few mintues ,
mira and aini telah berjaya membelah kulit katak itu .
tahniah2 !
and then , the second layer of the skin plak .
lpaih second layer nie , we could see the frog's heart , still beating .
then , we could see the stomach , small intestine , large intestine
and many more .
after we had examine all those structures , we went to the field ,
to bury that frog .
may the frog rest in peace .
bye bye little froggie !
Friday, October 2, 2009
the little things .

the final exam is just around the corner ,
and yet , i don't really prepare myself .
well , seriously .
my LAZINESS has controlled me again and again and again .
my previous results were extremely sucks .
especially my additional mathematics , physics and chemistry .
yikes , i wish i could be like those clever girls in my class .
i wanna be like them .
have a great results in those subjects .
i really wanna be like them !
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
rayaraya part 3

hey people ,
it's been quite a long time i didn't open my blog ,
well , vry bz lately .
with all those schoolwork , yikes .
and talking about hari raya ,
well , i really enjoyed it .
bley blek kmpg , it's a good thing .
i mean it's been 2 years i've nver go bck to kmpg .
and this year , we wnt bck to kmpg .
on the first raya , we're in taiping , perak .
and as usual , i don't really like to stay in kmpg abah .
idk why , mybe because i don't really like my cousins .
and thank god , the second day of hari raya ,
we went to alor star .
Yes , x pyah nk mengadap muka alien2 tu lagi .
Well ,
relatives sebelah mama ;agi best compared to sebelah abah .
Although ada jgk yg mcm beruk makye ,
Haha ,
but then , i didn't get the chance to hangout with my friends ,
terlalu bz ke sana sini .
Agak terkilan , but nvermind .
Blan 12 nie , blek sna lagi .
So , bley la jmpa .
Can't wait to see them !
Thursday, September 17, 2009
balik kampung , hoho .
so , today ,
mam and abah sgt busy mengepos kuih raya kt tok bee .
siap boh dlam kotak lg tu .
fuhhh .
my sis plak is going to kdai uncle albert ,
ntuk merepair rambutnya memandangkan raya suda dkat .
i'm not going with her .
for what ?
malaih aihh ,
dok tunggu x wat papa cm tunggui kayu ja .
so , it's better for me to just stay at home .
wht to do ?
a lot of things to so , like watch tv , online tp bkan makan yaa .
posa .
lol .
raya tahun nie , ma ngan abah ckap ,
2 days kt taiping and 3 days kt alostaq .
haha ,
best !
tayah dok lama2 kt perak .
hopefully , this raya i cn meet him again .
bkan di perak yaa , di kedah .
haha .
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
rayaraya part 2 ,
it's been quite a long time i didn't online .
well , vry busy with homeworks ,
and yet , i've just finished my pk 4 .
hha ,
yehh , MERDEKA !!
btw , tomorrow mrupakan last day of school .
on friday , no school anymore .
yikes , can't wait for raya anymore .
3 hari lagi dowhh ,
ngee =)
and i'm not goin' to school tomorrow ,
goin' to malacca .
for what ?
what else ?
shoppin' !
hha , senangnya hati .
and this evening ,'
i need to go to school ,
ada mjlis bkak puasa .
and i'm vry happy because my sis is going bck home .
yeahh ! she's otw with mama .
hoho ,
then ,
raya blek taiping and alostaq .
Saturday, September 5, 2009
rayaraya ; can't wait !

hey people ,
it's been quite a long time i didn't open my blog ,
vry bz lately ,
with all those homeworks + puasa lg ,
and still ,
there's a lot of homework yg kna wat ,
but sokay ,
i'll do it later ( pemalaih )
i know that .
hee =)
well ,
suda half month the Muslims fasting ,
and yet ,
i can't wait for raya .
this year , we're not going to clbrate raya at home .
alone without relatives , just like previous years . pastu , third day of raya truih p holiday .
da tatau nk wat apa ! so , what else , p makan agin lahh .
sgt membosankan !
but this year ,
my mum said ," tahun nie kta blek raya kt taiping dgn alostaq . nk yg mna dlu ? "
well , i prefer a/s . why ?
sbb lg best than kampung abah yg sgt memboringkan tuh , da la there's nothing to do .
cousins plak mcm starangers + alien .
hha ,
mmg menyampah .
wek ;
Thursday, August 27, 2009
a walk to remember

burppp2 .. hha , sgt kenyannggg .
well , break fast time is over .
and there's only 3 people in the house .
alif , tok and me .
my parents is not at home .
gone to jb .
thank god mama dh prepared evrything for the break fast .
what i need to do is ,
serve all those dishes on the table .
keja yg agak mudah bagi seorang perempuan yg jarang tlong mama in the kitchen .
lol .

there's a lot of homework that i need to finish up .
so , that's why ssah sket nk tlong mama .
btw , all of sudden ,
i wanna watch ' A WALK TO REMEMBER ' .
idk y .
mybe bcoz i love the movie .
yeahh , maybe .
although tht movie dh lma kuaq ,
but i love keep watching it .
tp bukan slalu lahh .
i don't hv the dvd .
so , tgk online ja la .
and , i love all the song in tht movie .
especially 'cry' from mandy moore .
heehh , one more thing .
bsok kakak blek and i'm vry happy .
hhaha ,
selmat pulang for 4 days .
love u !
Monday, August 24, 2009
shopping .

we've clbrated the first Ramadan with my sis .
so , on saturday , the first day of Ramadan , we went to mid valley .
for what ?
evrybody knows .
what else .
shopping is the only thing that can make us vry happy .
i mean , c'mon .
evrybody on the earth loves shopping .
so , we shop , shop , shop and shop until can't shop again .
ahaha .

Thursday, August 20, 2009
i've lost it !!
and yahh ,
i'm not feeling vry well rite now .
flu and headache .
one complete package .
and ouhh no !
i've lost my padini handbag .
my favourite ones .
i can't remember where i put it .
seriously , can' t remember anything at all .
i thought the bag was in my study room ,
tapi , tadak plak .
sy sgt menyukai beg itu .
it's my first handbag that i bought using my own money .
2moro , i'm goin' to shah alam .
so , its mean , we're going to clebrate awal Ramadan with my sis .
i'm extremely delighted .
but , i wish i could go there with that bag .
even until now pun , still x jmpa lgi .
oh god , please help me .
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
i don't care ;

First Verse
I still remember that lipstick that
You bought one day, it’s not for me
Who else, would want that colour?
You said it’s for your mother
Do you think that I’m that dumb? Oh oh oh
My friends always me that you’re not that good
In looks and personality but I won’t let it fly
But boy, I loved you so much that I
Pushed away their words
But now I’m not so sure myself, oh oh oh
Watched you step out of the club that night
With your million girls around you
Then you kiss them each, everyone goodnight oh no ~
I don’t care, just do what you want
You know that I’m the girl for you but you pushed me away, so there
What else can you do? You should know that, I really don’t give a damn
Cause I don’t care eh eh eh eh eh
I don’t care eh eh eh eh eh
Cause I don’t care eh eh eh eh eh
I don’t care eh eh eh eh eh
Boy I don’t care
Second Verse
Do you remember that time when you just walked off
You said hold on hold on I’ll be back
You thought I would never follow
But boy are you that stupid?
I saw you making out with that girl, oh oh oh
I should’ve listened to my friends but it’s not too late
I can turn my back on you, treat you like you treated me
Then you know how it feels, but maybe you won’t care
I can’t believe I thought you loved me, oh oh oh
Said you needed to work that day but I see
You with another girl hand in hand
You swipe your credit card, so many times I can’t count, oh no~
I don’t care, just do what you want
You know that I’m the girl for you but you pushed me away, so there
What else can you do? You should know that, I really don’t give a damn
Cause I don’t care eh eh eh eh eh
I don’t care eh eh eh eh eh
Cause I don’t care eh eh eh eh eh
I don’t care eh eh eh eh eh
Boy I don’t care
You thought that I’m that kind of girl who couldn’t live without you?
Through day and night, just scream and cry, I’m not that easy, huh boy?
I know that I’m not for you, and you know I’m too good
You try to make me jealous but it’s only opened my eyes
Can’t believe you fooled me a hundred times, you bad boy
But thanks to you, now I’m turning back on love, bad girl
You’ve told me that love is only a simple game
The rule that anyone can really play
Just don’t come running back to me, I’ll turn away from you, goodbye
I don’t care, just do what you want
You know that I’m the girl for you but you pushed me away, so there
What else can you do? You should know that, I really don’t give a damn
Cause I don’t care eh eh eh eh eh
I don’t care eh eh eh eh eh
Cause I don’t care eh eh eh eh eh
I don’t care eh eh eh eh eh
Boy I don’t care
p/s ; this lyrics has been translated into English languages .
and i'm in love with this song .
hoho .
extremely great ! yeahhh =)
Friday, August 14, 2009
the little things .

i ate a lot of ' jajan ' today .
haha , setelah sekian lamanya x makan ,
finally , hehh .. i've had a chance to eat those junkfood .
seriously , mmg agak lama suda x makan ' jajan '.
btw , memandangkan all the prefects need to stay back after school today ,
dan kami malas ntuk makan di kantin yg semakin teruk , from bad to worse itu ,
we've decided to buy ' jajan' outside the school gate .
and i bought a plastic bag full of ' jajan' .
hha .
i know junkfood is not good for health ,
but c'mon ,
it's not evvvrrryyyday we eat junkfood .
sekali sekala , so , there's nothing wrong with that , aight ?
btw, about the prefect's stay ,
we sang many songs today .
hha .
we are the world , top of the world , lemontree and .. can't remember this one song .
haihh , nvermind .
sumanya oldies .
we're not singing for fun okeyy ,
it's because , on next wednesday ,
the general counsellor from Rome , Italy are coming to our school .
for what idk ,
but , it's kind of the important event for the Canossa School kot ,
so , we sing , we laugh and we are very tired today .
hha .
but whatever it is , we really enjoyed ourselves .
p/s ; can't wait for the next wednesday .
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
so many things .

today's weather , kinda good .
it's not raining , and not too hot .
but , quite windy .
i've done my homework , but not all , just mathematics and English .
others , maybe tonight i'm going to finish it .
we'll see , tue pun if rajin lahh .
hha ;
school ?
as usual ,
yesterday , i wore the mask .
today ,
i'm not wearing mask ANYMORE .
heehh , hangat - hangat tahi ayam .
just on the first day of school ja .
then , i can't stand to wear that thin' anymore .
seriously , sangat lemaih bla pkai bnda tue .
idk how come all the doctors can stand wearing the mask ?
haihh , yah , i know .
i should wear it .
tp , i just can't .
mmg x tahan , just for a day ja .
next day , dah x pkai .
but , we'll see ,
if I HAVE TO , then pkai lahh .
btw , the bowling's tournament is just around the corner ,
and i've decided to take part .
hha .
actually , i don't really know how to play ,
but nvermind , br school level ja .
so , there's nothing to worry about .
hee ;
others yang take part include mie , mira and anna .
those girls are my friends .
yang lain are from the other form .
tue pn ssah sangat nak swuh dpa take part .
kna p class by class baru ada yg nak masuk .
so , masa klas agama apalagi ,
mira and i pn went around the school and class by class ntuk cari sapa yg nak masuk .
and yeyy , finally ,
ada jgak yang nak masuk .
heee ;
Saturday, August 8, 2009
miss them + H1N1
yeah .
i really missed all my friends in school .
last thursday and friday , i didn't go to school .
i'm not feeling vry well .
but now , i'm getting better .
heh , so ..
i can't wait to go to school .
so , suda 4 days la kira x jmpa dpa langsung plus saturday and sunday .
sgt merindui mreka di skola .
and also , lots of homework to do .
especially physics and add maths .
btw , esok p skola , igt nk pkai mask lahh .
hha .
bkn ntuk suka suki but for our own good .
and i'm sure many of my friends pn suda pkai .
so , why not ?
spa nk gelak , dipersilakan .
you may do whatever you want .
no one will stop you , oke .
H1N1 sgt menyibok , suda mai kt segamat .
and there's a lot of people out there yg suda pkai even when they are out from house .
even salesgirl kt guardian pn dh ada kesedaran diri ntuk pakai .
hoho .
ini sgt bagus .
good for you and others .
well , i'm vry happy and grateful becuase i'm free from that disaster disease .
seriously , when i was sick , i kept thinking that mybe i'm one of the suspect .
thank god .
Friday, August 7, 2009
stupid handphone !
seriously , idk what's wrong with that thing ?
so many problems .
it's been a year , and suddenly , many problems occured .
stupid !
Saturday, August 1, 2009
i'm all alone .

i'm all alone , right now .
i mean today .
hehh .
what a boring day .
nk hangout ?
ouhh no . transport tadak .
i can't drive yet . blum ckup umuq .
so , just stay at home , watch tv , eat , eat , watch tv .
mama , aten and kakak are not at home .
p shah alam .
antaq kakak blek sna .
i'm not going with them because i need to finish up my homework .
2 la , serve my right . sapa swuh x wat awai2 ??
on sunday , br kalut nk wat .
abah ?
not at home jgk .
p meeting although it is a weekend .
haihh .
thank god .
my grandma is at home .
so , ada kwan la .
hee .
well , my grandma is my best friend too .
hha .
so , it's okay .
there is someone accompany me in the house .
hoho .
august .
these are the things that i need to do in august :
1 . complete my psk folio .
2 . call my sister 7 times a week or everyday .
3 . complete my homework by time .
4 . try to study harder than the previous month .
5 . ganti posa . 3 days more .
6. clean my room evry weekend .
7. posa lahh .
Wednesday, July 29, 2009

So you're sorry
That face of an angel
Comes out just when you need it to
And I paced back and forth all this time
Cause I honestly believed in you
Holding on
And days drag on
Stupid girl,
I should have known, I should have known
I'm not a princess, this ain't a fairy tale
I'm not the one to sweep off her feet,
Lead her up the stairwell
This ain't Hollywood, this is a small town,
I was a dreamer before you went and let me down
Now it's too late for you
And your White Horse, to come around
Baby I was naive,
Got lost in your eyes
And never really had a chance
I had so many dreams
About you and me
Happy endings
Now I know
I'm not a princes, this ain't a fairy tale
I'm not the one to sweep off her feet,
Lead her up the stairwell
This ain't Hollywood, this is a small town,
I was a dreamer before you went and let me down
Now it's too late for you
And your white horse, to come around
Here you are your sitting there
Begging for forgiveness, begging for me
Just like I always wanted but I'm so sorry
Cause I'm not your princess, this ain't a fairytale
I'm gonna find someone somewhere who might actually treat me well
This is a big world, that was a small town
There in my rear view mirror disappears now
Now its too late for you and your white horse
Now its too late for you and your white horse, to catch me now
Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa
Try and catch me now
Oh, it's too late
To catch me now
* Seriously , i really love this song .
* The song is extremely great .
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
she's a frog .

hha . seriously it's true .
she's just like a frog .
wanna know the reason why i called her such ?
it is because , she's not living in the 21st century .
tatau la abad ke bpa , but for sure , bkn abad ke 21 .
she's tryin' to say that i'm not okay la tu .
hha .
oit katak , don't you know that blog is a type of website , usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary , descriptions of events an so on ?
don't believe me ?
google la .
haih ,
pity her .
but nevermind , i don't give a damn to people like that .
she's such a narrow - minded and also kpc ( stands for ke po chi )
Monday, July 20, 2009
exam + oth

i've been sitting for the NEW SOUTH WALES UNIVERSITY examinations , and seriously .. it was very tough .
gla pnya ssah .
and i'm very sure i won't get distinction .
or mybe not even credit .
can u imagine .
the time given is only 1 hour and of course the time given is not enough for me to answer all the 60 questions plus all the passages that we must read before answer all the questions .
and for some questions , i don't even understand what the questions asked .
so , what did i do was hentam kromo je la .
haihh , whatever .
things that had passed should not be remind again .
let's hope my results will be alright but not worst .
btw , last night i've watched one tree hill .
season 6 , i guess so .
haha .
idk .
i've missed so many episodes .
and omg ,
lucas chose peyton as her wife ??
c'mon i prefer lucas with brooke , not peyton .
nvermind , it's just a story .
heee .
Monday, July 13, 2009
oral test .
idk her name .
i don't have the time to ask her name pun .
lantak la .
hee .
i was telling a story about my hobbies .
well , it's just a story not a REAL story .
i was quite scared plus nervous .
but then , lpaih da wat .
hahhh . very relieved .
the story is about my hobbies , what are the things i like to do in my free time .
well , according to the passage , i like to play guitar . kononnya la .
pdahai aq mna da gitar kt umah pn .
like i've told u , it's just a story , not a real story .
my conversation with the teacher :
TEACHER : Since when u've been playing the guitar ?
ME : Uhm , since i was in Standard 5
TEACHER : What kind of song do you like ?
ME : Pop , rnb , country .. ( fyi , i don't really like country , but idk why i said the word ' COUNTRY ' in front of her ) hha .
TEACHER : When u're playing your guitar , what are the songs that u always play ?
ME : Crazier from TAYLOR SWIFT , The Climb from MILEY CYRUS .
TEACHER : Do you like jazz ?
ME : No .
ME : Because jazz is a slow motion music .
TEACHER : BUt , it's part of r n b ?
ME : Ow , really ? Idk that .
TEACHER : Other than play guitar , what do you like to do ?
ME : Singing .
TEACHER : Examples of song that u like ?
ME : you belong with me and love story .
TEACHER : Okay . that's all . Thank you .
ME : Owh okay . thank you madam .
Hahh .
what a crazy moments .
i'm just answering without thinking .
hha .
but then , i had some fun actually .
spot check .
finallly , after a long time the prefects had decided to spot check on the girls .
yahh , for sure the girls bwak bnda - bnda yg spatutnya x bley bwak . snang ckp bnda haram .
haha .
served their right .
pdan muka dpa .
i went to form 1 biru and asked the girls to get out from the class .
then , ee ling , farah and i checked the girls's school bag .
these are the things that we got :
- liquid paper .
fyi , when u're studying in this school , u're not allowed to used liquid paper .
wanna know the reason ??
sbb . student nowadays mmg suka gla menconteng meja . so , tat's why u can't use the liquid paper .
- magazine .
- smelly socks
believe it or not. u must believe this . there are about two or three plastic bags that was filled with the girls socks . once again , if u're studying in my school , anda tidak dibenarkan ntuk memakai stoking bertapak hitam , biru or even grey colour .
And actually , it's for your own good too . Bla tapak stoking putih , anda akan berhati - hati dan tamau bg kotoq . tat's why . Seriously , the plastic bags were really smelly . eyeww . only god knows how was the smell . extremely bad .
- necklace .
and even handphones .
idk wht they are so STUPID ?
c'mon , evrybody knows that handphones are not allowed in school unless u're studying in the international school .
so , jgn la dok prasan .
haah . i'm vry tired on that day . so do my friends . one whole day lnsung x msuk klaih .
if msuk pn sat ja . time add math and history ja .
other periods , hee , not in class .
so , i'm very sorry , teachers .
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
exams over .
thank god .
finally , the exams over .
to pk3 : goodbye , and see u next year .
hee .
the subjects that I'm very sure can' t get A or B are :
- physics
- additional mathematics
- account
- chemistry
- biology
others were okay ..
but anyway , i really hope that there are no red color pen in my report card .
Monday, June 29, 2009
a birthday surprise .

thx guys . thx a lot . thx 4 the surprise birthday party . korang mmg pndai wat bodo ja . haha .
and to others ; prasanna , aini , mira and chua thank you for not telling me anything about the party . hee .
and to my sister ; thanks for the cakes . hee . like it .
oww yahh , thanks 4 all the lovely gift .
I really appreciate it .
I really love u guys , love all of you till death .
I won’t forget this sweet memories . never FULLSTOP
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Kept me safe and sound at night
Little girls depend on things like that
Brushed my teeth and combed my hair
Had to drive me everywhere
You were always there when I looked back
You had to do it all
Make a living, make a home
Must have been as hard as it could be
And when I couldn't sleep at night
Scared things wouldn't turn out right
You would hold my hand and sing to me
Caterpillar in the tree
How you wonder who you'll be
Can't go far but you can always dream
Wish you may and wish you might
Don't you worry, hold on tight
I promise you there will come a day
Butterfly fly away
Butterfly fly away, butterfly fly away
Flap your wings now you can't stay
Take those dreams and make them all come true
Butterfly fly away, butterfly fly away
We've been waiting for this day
All along and knowing just what to do
Butterfly, butterfly, butterfly, butterfly fly away
That’s how I can describe my father - EN. ABDUL MAJID BIN MOHD ALI.
To abah : this song is for you . Especially for you . Thanks for being a great dad to all of us . Thanks for all the love that you had given to me . Thanks for taking care of me . Thanks for all your sacrifices towards me . Thanks for everything .
A father is a man who cares for his child’s both physical and emotional needs .
He puts all the child’s wants and needs ahead of his own .
On this special day , i would like to wish you a very HAPPY FATHER’S DAY . I’m very sorry if i’ve let you down in certain things . And sorry because I couldn’t buy a present for you . Maybe it’s just a card but i really hope you’ll like it .
I’m very grateful to have you in my life as my fahter . You are my guiding star and will always be my guiding star , no matter what happens . And you will always be my hero .
Thanks a lot abah .
Friday, June 12, 2009
lucas till .
lucas , lucas till .
yess , i really like him .
i am absolutely fucking crazy about him . haha
i mean , yahh he's good looking , charming , adorable and blablabla .
well , he's the most gorgeous guy in Hollywood .
weyyyy ..
like him .
you belong with me .
She's going off about something that you said
'Cause she doesn't get your humor like I do
I'm in the room, it's a typical Tuesday night
I'm listening to the kind of music she doesn't like
And she'll never know your story like I do
But she wears short skirts, I wear T-shirts
She's Cheer Captain and I'm on the bleachers
Dreaming about the day when you wake up and find
That what you're looking for has been here the whole time
If you could see that I'm the one who understands you
Been here all along, so why can't you see?
You, you belong with me, you belong with me
Walking the streets with you and your worn-out jeans
I can't help thinking this is how it ought to be
Laughing on a park bench, thinking to myself
Hey, isn't this easy?
And you've got a smile that could light up this whole town
I haven't seen it in a while since she brought you down
You say you're fine, I know you better than that
Hey, what ya doing with a girl like that?
She wears high heels, I wear sneakers
She's Cheer Captain and I'm on the bleachers
Dreaming about the day when you wake up and find
That what you're looking for has been here the whole time
If you could see that I'm the one who understands you
Been here all along, so why can't you see?
You belong with me
Standing by and waiting at your back door
All this time how could you not know?
Baby, you belong with me, you belong with me
Oh, I remember you driving to my house in the middle of the night
I'm the one who makes you laugh when you know you're 'bout to cry
And I know your favorite songs and you tell me 'bout your dreams
Think I know where you belong, think I know it's with me
Can't you see that I'm the one who understands you?
Been here all along, so why can't you see?
You belong with me
Standing by and waiting at your back door
All this time, how could you not know?
Baby, you belong with me, you belong with me
You belong with me
Have you ever thought just maybe
You belong with me
You belong with me
Thursday, June 11, 2009
best friends are like fairytale
True friends are never apart , mybe in distance but not in heart .
Those words are the words that we always heard . you’re a big , fat liar if you stated that you never heard those two words .
Best friends are described as the person who are really close to us and someone that we can depend on and trust .
Yes , you might have a lot of friends but when it comes to best friends .. no ! there’s only a few best friend , for sure you may have five or less than five best friends .
If you told me that you have more than five best friends , I will say ;
I’m sorry . Idts that all of them are your best friends . Do you really trust all of them ?? Or do you really can depend to all of them ?? Haha . I’m sure you don’t . I’m very sorry dear . It looks like you don’t know the real meaning of best friends . Go and look it in the dictionary . Thank you .
Best friends will pick up where you left off , no matter how much time has passed .
I am very thankful and grateful to god for giving me the chance to meet these people in my life . They are :
They are my besties , and it is not about whom you have known the longest but it is about who came and never left your side . I’m very lucky to have them as my best friends .
As people said ; best friends are like balloons , if you let them go .. you won’t get them back . So the best way to keep them with you is tied them in your heart . And , trust me .. they won’t go anywhere else .
With your best friends , you will smile .. laugh and the most important thing is live a little better .
18 letters , 3 words but 1 meaning ;
Love u guys damn much .
Best friends till end .
18 letters , 3 words and 1 meaning ;