Friends are born , not made.
Friendship... is not something you learn in school. But if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven't learned anything.
There is nothing on this earth more to be prized than true friendship.
Thomas Aquinas
Thomas Aquinas
A friend is one who knows you and loves you just the same.
Elbert Hubbard
Elbert Hubbard
Hey people , how's your day goin so far ?
Well basically I'm gonna blog about friends ( let's have a heart to heart talk haha ) for this time so if you feels like wanna read , okay it's my pleasure and if you don't okay probably you're not in the mood so never mind it's alright :) I'm not gonna scold yaa heee .
Friends are like balloons , once you let them go you'll never get them back .
I have to say that I am definitely agree with the statement :) Oh c'mon life is meaningless without friends .
Some might say , " Kenapa pulak life nak meaningless tanpa kawan , chill okay . Kecoh ja , I can live without friends okayyyy " .
Well , suka hati lah that's what you said . But I guess deep inside , you feel alone .
Okay no doubt , there might be few people on this Earth who can live without friends and yeah maybe they don't need friends in their life but then can you please imagine how's their life ?
One word to describe : BORING ! Oh c'mon you're all alone .
Eating alone in the school canteen , has nobody to chat with , walking alone all the time , doing your homework all alone , has nobody to share your opinions and stories and keep all your stories by yourself .
Ish , what a pathetic life you have , I'm sorry .
So guys , therefore we need friends in our life .
Friends are those people who are always be next to you , and true friends are those people who are always be next to you no matter what happen , through ups and downs .
They rock my world , they make me laugh and yes I am very grateful and glad to have them in my life , they are my LOVELY FRIENDS :)
School life is over but yeah I won't forget all the sweetest memories and the greatest experiences that I've ever had as a teenager .
Life after Form Five will definitely won't be the same as the life as a student . Life is about to change friends .
We might not be studying in the same place anymore , sharing stories like we did before , LOL'd but I do really hope that our friendship will lasts forever .
To all my dearest friends , I love you with all my heart and soul . Thank you for being the greatest friends ever !