Hey peeps .
How's your day anyway ?
Okay , I've just came back from KL and yeah I spent my days and nights there since last Friday .
Anyway let me take you straight to my point teehee :)
I'm gonna talk about movies so if tak suka nevermind I don't care :)
So peeps , have you watch Hikayat Merong Mahawangsa ?
Well if you don't , I suggest to watch it asap .
It'll such a waste if you don't coz yeah to be frank Hikayat Merong Mahawangsa is such a great movie !
In fact , it is the best Malay movie that I've ever watched frankly .
If the Mat Salleh are proud of Star Wars or whatsoever why not us , the Malaysians be proud of Hikayat Merong Mahawangsa ?
I do believe that Hikayat Merong Mahawangsa has made us realized that we are also capable to make good movies . No doubt there are a few weaknesses but who cares ? There a few things that needs to be improve but nahh it doesn't matter .
Hikayat Merong Mahawangsa has widened my point of view about our local film and of course this will definitely makes the Malaysians to look forward to our film industry .
So let us support our local film industry :)
Anyway , congratulations to the KRU Studios and yeah keep up the good work :)

Well tak habis lagi okay haha .
So other than Hikayat Merong Mahawangsa , I also watched Big Mommas : Like Father , Like Son :) And yeah , the movie is damn hilarious .
I just can't stop laughing for single minute seriously .
Well okay , I guess that's all fer this time .
So do watch these movies if you're free .
Plus , it's school hols aite ? hee .
Take care and toodles lovely people :)
*hugs and kisses