Well hello peeps :)
So fer those who watched Glee last Tuesday's night , well you might know about this vid already kan ?
But fer those who didn't watch the previous episode of Glee and never watch this vid beforee , well I suggest you to watch this vid and yes you girls especially haha .
Well , it doesn't mean you boys tak boleh tengok but yeah you know you might find this vid is not-really -interesting fer you because hell yeah there's no girls in this vid kan and yeah only boys which is borrriiinngg fer you .
Well , it doesn't mean you boys tak boleh tengok but yeah you know you might find this vid is not-really -interesting fer you because hell yeah there's no girls in this vid kan and yeah only boys which is borrriiinngg fer you .
And for girls , I am prettayy sure that you'll loike it becaus
e those boys in this vid are damn hot ! I repeat , they are FRICKIN' HOT okay !
And yeah those boys are singing , Teenage Dream from Katy Perry and I salute them .
Gila sedap okay !
So anyway , I am so into one of the guy in this vid and yeah it's not the main singer , Blaine .
Well no doubt , he's hot but yeah the guy that I'm tellin' ya rite now is so much hotter than him okay * melting :)

Okay yeah I know he is hot aite ? DAMN HOT ! Oh gadd I'm in love with this guy seriously .
So to those who know this guy please tell me okay ? Well what I mean is if you've ever seen this guy kat mana mana , in television series or movie ka please please tell me okay :)
Haha I am so so into him right now :)
So that's all fer now .
Love ya :)