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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Keep your fingers cross :)

Hello lovelies :) How r ya today ?

It's 22nd of March today and yeah tomorrow ( 23rd of March ) is my biggest day ever and yeah your biggest day too peeps ( if you were born in 1993 too )

So how's your feelings ? Okay I am definitely freaking out plus nervous plus scared !
Some might say this , " Oh c'mon chill yaw SPM ja kot , cool sudah ! Bukannya apa pun , kan dah buat so no need to worry , man " .

Don't expect others to be loike you , to be as cool as you . And please don't do the FREAK face when your friend tells you that he/she is nervous .
" No need to freak out la wey , chill yaww " . Okay that's what you said .
That's what you said but I can't la wey ; SORRY.
Okay fer this twenty four hours time , I might be able to act like I'm cool yaww in front of others but inside .. nobody know how scares and nervous I am ! Gimme me five if you feel the same way *yes I'm acting like I'm cool yaww .

So let's just hope that evrything will be fine . I don't care if I don't get straight A's and I'm crossing my fingers , hope that I'll pass all the subjects . That's the most vital ! Pass all the subjects .

May all of us will pass with flying colours . Best of luck friends :)