"A successful married life requires falling in love many times, but always with the same person "
" The secret to having a good married life is to understand that marriage must be total, it must be permanent and it must be equal "
" Side by side – Year by year "
" Love begins in a moment, grows over time, and lasts for eternity "
" Knowing you will be with me in all my tomorrows, makes my today so wonderful "
Hi Lovely People :))
Wassup everyone ? How's your day goin' so far ? Hee :)
Well , I guess maybe some of you are wondering why do I place the LOVE quotes in my entry fer this time aite ? Plus with all the love love photos lagi .. hee :)
And yeah it's not because of Valentine's Day okay ( Duhh , the story of Valentine's Day has already expired haha )
Then apa dia ni ? *while scratching your heads
Let me tell ya ..
So on 3rd of March 2011 , which was yesterday was my parents' 23rd Wedding Anniversary .
Yes , they have been together fer 23 years already . Well agak lama jugak la kan .
And I am definitely glad and thankful for having them in my life which means literally I won't be in this world without my parents aite ? Hee :)
This is how their love story began .
- A story told by my mum and my dad -
It was a typical day ( can't remember what day was that day ) and yeah it was the election day .
So Mama was on a duty at the election center and yeah dah nama pun jodoh , Abah was on a duty too ( Abah is working with PDRM so biasa la bertugas kan hee )
And then they started to stare at one another, you know like there was an electric shock between them , then started to smile to each other haha . Well actually they both know each other but never talk to each other . Get what I mean ? You know , ' Oh aku kenai budak laki tu , anak Pak Ali ' or ' Aku tau budak perempuan tu , anak Pak Penghulu kampung seberang ' .
And yeah when we asked Abah macam mana dia kenai Mama , he said like this , " Abah kenai Mama since Mama kecik lagi . Abah selalu nampak Mama dok main boyan ( buaian actually ) kat rumah dia masa Abah balik dari sekolah . Rambut ikat tocang dua " .
Oh gadd and we was like seriously Mama dokmain boyan dengan rambut tocang dua ? Haha boleh bayang lah macam mana . "
So back to the story after the election , they were dating you know , just like people nowadays jugaklah went fer a date la , movie .. and so on .
Then after they've known each other very well , dah kenai hati budi masing masing haa then they were engaged and not so long after that they were married .
So on 3rd March 1998 , Abah and Mama got married and yeah live as husband and wife .
And then after a few months on the same year which was 13th December 1988 , a baby girl was
born * sound of baby crying . The baby was given a name , and her name is Nur Amira bt Abdul Majid and yeah she's my lovely sista :)
So five years later here come another baby girl who is so much cuter than the previous baby girl LOL .
And yeah the baby is me hee :) So I was born on 5th July1993 and yeah oh na na what's my name ? Oh ya ya , not Yaya but Nur Anis Shahira bt Abdul Majid :) I am special because I am different from others well yeah I cried a lot when I was a lil baby .
Gila teruk okay sampai no body wanted to babysit me haha yeah . But thank God there was a lady who was willing to babysit me and she's my lovely Cik Alek ( sorry I don't know how to spell her real name hee )
Okay okay enough with the story about me so let us continue our story ..
And then five years later , on 3rd April 1998 .. *sound of baby crying again , a baby boy was born ( finally ) .
And yeah thebaby boy is my lil brotha and yeah he's cuter than me * I've to admit that haha .
So the baby boy's name is Alif Firdaus b Abdul Majid . He's the only boy in the family and yeah sebab tu terlampau manja . You know , if you're the only boy/girl in the family .. you're definitely will be given extra care haha .
So that' how their story goes and yeah I'm happy to have them as my parents .
Well if you guys notice , the age gap between me and KakMira is 5 years and yeah the age gap between me and Aten also 5 years .
So means , both Abah and Mama is very good in planning aite ? Haha :D
Anyway here are some photos of my dad and mum on their wedding day :) So I won't talk much and yeah before I bore you more , let the pictures do the talking hee :)

And yeah because of my dad isn't in Malaysia fer the time being , so we decided not to celebrate their anniversary yet okay .
Which means no photos lah .
Okay , that all I guess .
Till then , goodbye :)
Thanks fer reading peeps .