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Saturday, May 29, 2010

i do not heart u .

grrrr .
it's been three weeks i'm spending my time with books , ONLY books okayy .
so , that's why i need some time to release my tension and to free my minds from thingy like hypertonic , isotonic, spinal cord , digestion , enzyme , respiration and etc .
and this week will be the TOUGHEST WEEK EVER .
reason ?
i'm goin to face the killer papers . weeee ♥ ♥
tak sukanya !
but what to do ? i still need to face in no matter what , right ?
so , i need to study jugaklah kan2 .
and yes , i really cannot wait for the school hols .
so many things to do during the hols i guess .

and btw , i don't really understand why some people feel proud taking their photos while shisha-ing , especially girls ?
well if boys i don't really care because they are boys , they don't look so bad do thingy like that .
But then seeing girls shisha-ing .. omgosh really annoying me kot .
Frankly , it doesn't look so good to girls especially .
For those who are disagree sila angkat kaki and back off .
I don't need to know your opinion okay ?
Oh c'mon , there are other things that beneficial that you can do rather than shisha-ing .
Stop feeling proud when you puff the shisha to the surroundings .
you don't look cool or even great in fact .
it's not worth it okayy ?