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Thursday, July 29, 2010

counting the days .

Yes , definitely true .
I'm counting the days people .
What are those days that I'm talking about ?
Of course , the days before SPM .
And I always asked myself ; Do I really prepare myself for the battle ?
And I will answer ; Hell NO . I'm not ready yet . I don't prepare myself at all .
And the other side of me will say ; Then when are you goin' to prepare yourself for the battle ? C'mon you only have about 4 months left , so what are you waiting for ? You have to work harder or else you'll regret it later .
I'm not ready for the battle yet but I am about to get myself ready for it .
It's never to late to make changes in our life .
It's better to make some changes now than never so that you won't cry over spilt milk .
So , NEVER say NEVER .